イベント報告 2022.10.17 【2022.10.14. GIR公開セミナー報告】Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi “ビッグデータ同化(Big Data Assimilation)ーゲリラ豪雨予測から予測科学へー From Guerrilla Rainstorm Prediction to Predictive Science”
イベント報告 2022.10.17 【2022.10.14. GIR公開セミナー報告】Dr. Barbara Reinhold-Hurek “To shed light on life in the dark: Interactions between beneficial root microbes and their hosts”
イベント報告 2022.10.13 【2022.10.12. GIR公開セミナー報告】Dr. Karl Ritz “Soils in the Anthropocene: challenges and potential routes to their sustainable management”
イベント報告 2022.10.13 【2022.10.11. GIRオンラインセミナー報告】Dr. Edouard Pesquet “Understanding the environmental resilience of plants – how do wood cell wall structures enable plants to cope weather changes without fleeing?”
イベント報告 2022.9.13 【2022.9.8 GIR公開セミナー報告】Dr. Roland Perry “Hatching and survival strategies of cyst nematodes – part of the research legacy of Professor Ishibashi”
イベント報告 2022.9.6 【2022.7.28 GIR公開セミナー報告】Dr. Andrzej Cichocki “‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’ : Cross Tensor Approximation Methods and their Applications in Machine Learning and Signal / Image Processing”, Dr. Gene Cheung “Efficient Signed Graph Sampling via Balancing & Gershgorin Disc Perfect Alignment”
イベント報告 2022.9.6 【2022.6.16 GIR公開セミナー報告】Dr. Antonio Ortega “Graph Constructions for Machine Learning Applications: New Insights and Algorithms”
イベント報告 2022.8.30 【2022.8.26 GIR公開セミナー報告】Dr. David Kisailus “The Interface Between Biology and Materials Science: Construction and Destruction of Multiscale Architectures”
イベント報告 2022.7.28 【2022.7.22 GIR公開セミナー報告】Dr. Hirotsugu Hiramatsu “Structure analysis of amyloid fibril β-sheets using vibrational spectroscopy”
イベント報告 2022.7.4 【2022.6.28 GIR公開セミナー報告】Dr. Takanari Inoue “Total synthesis of innate immune functions in inert and artificial cells”
イベント報告 2022.6.30 【2022.6.27 GIR公開セミナー報告】Dr. Sandra E. Kentish “Recent Research on two Topics: Electrospun and Perfluoropolymer Membranes”