

Fibrous anisotropy and mineral gradients within the radula stylus of chiton: controlled stiffness and damage tolerance in a flexible biological composite

Lee, J.E., Connolloy, J., Yang, W., Freychet, G., Wang, T., Herrera, S.A., Murata, S., Dasika, P.S., Montroni, D., Pohl, A., Zhu, C., Zhernenkov, M., Wuhrer, R., Sheppard, L., Nemoto, M., Arakaki, A., Zavattieri, P., Kisailus, D. Fibrous anisotropy and mineral gradients within the radula stylus of chiton: controlled stiffness and damage tolerance in a flexible biological composite, Journal of Composite Materials (J. Compos. Mater.). DOI10.1177/00219983221121867
