
田川 義之




◆グローバルイノベーション研究院 ライフサイエンス分野・田川チーム
◆工学研究院 先端機械システム部門

Researcher ID







Professional Career


2008年04月~2009年03月:日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC2) 東京大学工学系研究科
2009年04月~2010年03月:日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD) 東京大学工学系研究科
2010年04月~2012年03月:University of Twente ポスドク研究員
2012年04月~2012年12月:University of Twente,FOM research fellow
2013年01月~2017年12月:東京農工大学 大学院工学研究院 准教授
2018年01月~2020年11月:東京農工大学 大学院工学研究院 准教授(テニュア取得)
2020年12月~現在:東京農工大学グローバルイノベーション研究院(工学研究院兼務) 教授(キャリアチャレンジ)

Academic Degrees


2009年 博士(工学)東京大学

Research Interests





  • McKee, K. I., Primkulov, B. K., Hashimoto, K., Tagawa, Y., Bush, J. W. M., “Waves beneath a drop levitating over a moving wall”, PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS, (2024) (selected as Editors’ Suggestion) 9 (9), 093603, 2024

  • Mitchell, B., Yokoyama, Y., Nassiri, A., Tagawa, Y., Korkolis, Y., Kinsey, B., An investigation of Hertzian contact in soft materials using photoelastic tomography, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 171:105164 , 2023

  • Yokoyama, Y., Mitchell, B. R., Nassiri, A., Kinsey, B. L., Korkolis, Y. P., Tagawa, Y., Integrated Photoelasticity in a Soft Material: Phase Retardation, Azimuthal Angle, and Stress-Optic Coefficient, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 161:107335, 2023

  • Yamamoto, S., Shimazaki T., Franco-Gomez, A., Ichihara, S., Yee, J., Tagawa, Y., Contactless pressure measurement of an underwater shock wave in a microtube using a high-resolution background-oriented schlieren technique, Experiments in Fluids, 63, 142 (2022).

  • Kiyama, A., Shimazaki, T., Gordillo, J.M., and Tagawa, Y., Direction of the microjet produced by the collapse of a cavitation bubble located in a corner of a wall and a free surface, Physical Review Fluids(Phys. Rev. Fluids.), 6, 083601, (2021).
  • Usawa, M., Fujita, Y., Tagawa, Y., Riboux, G., Gordillo, J. M., Large impact velocities suppress the splashing of micron-sized droplets, Physical Review Fluids (Phys. Rev. Fluids), 6, 2, 023605, 2021
  • Kamamoto, K., Kiyama, A., Tagawa, Y., Zhang, X., Ouzo column under impact: formation of emulsion jet and oil-lubricated droplet, Langmuir, 37, (6), 2056-2064, 2021
  • Franco-Gomez, A.F., Onuki, H., Nagatsu, Y., Tagawa, Y., Effect of liquid elasticity on the behaviour of high-speed focused jets, Experiments in Fluids (Exp. Fluids), 62, (41) 2021.
  • Yee, A., Onuki, H., Tagawa, Y., Yoda, M., Determining timescales for directed assembly of particles into bands by shear flow and electric fields, Experiments in Fluids (Exp. Fluids). 61:133, 2020.
  • Gordillo, J. M., Onuki, H., Tagawa, Y., Impulsive generation of jets by flow focusing, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (J. Fluid Mech.).894 A3, 2020
  • Vo, Q., Fujita, Y., Tagawa, Y., and Tran, T., Anisotropic behaviours of droplets impacting on di-electrowetting substrates, Soft Matter 16.10. 2621-2628, 2020
  • Kiyama, A., Mansoor, M. M., Speirs, N. B., Tagawa, Y., Truscott, T. T., Gelatine cavity dynamics of high-speed sphere impact, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (J. Fluid Mech.).
  • Qian, J., Yamada, D., Wei, Z., Yukisada, R., Tagawa, Y., Shaw, J. M., Zhang, X., One-step nanoextraction and ultrafast microanalysis based on nanodroplet formation in an evaporating ternary liquid microfilm. Advanced Materials Technologies (Adv. Mater. Technol.) 1900740, 2019.
  • Hatakenaka, R., Breitenbach, J., Roisman, I. V., Tropea, C., Tagawa, Y., Magic carpet breakup of a drop impacting onto a heated surface in a depressurized environment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Int. J. Heat Mass Trans.). 145.118729
