
福原 敏行




◆農学研究院 生物制御科学部門
◆グローハ゛ルイノベーション研究院 食料分野・福原チーム

Researcher ID






Professional Career


2003年4月 - 2003年9月 : 東京学芸大学 教育学部 講師(併任)
2004年4月 - 2004年7月 : 国際基督教大学 講師(併任)
2006年4月 - 2007年7月 - 法政大学 工学部 兼任講師
1995年11月 - 2008年5月 : 東京農工大学 農学部 助教授(准教授)
2008年6月 - 現在 : 東京農工大学 農学部 教授

Academic Degrees


1986年 修士(理学)大阪大学
1989年 博士(理学)大阪大学

Research Interests


植物細胞分子生物学 RNA干渉、本鎖RNA、ダイサー、2本鎖RNA結合タンパク質、エンドルナウイルス



  • Sembada, A.A., T. Fukuhara, T. Suzuki and I.W. Lenggoro. Stem cutting: A novel introduction site for transporting water-insoluble particles into tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seedlings. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 206, 108297 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2023.108297

  • Sembada, A.A.; Maki, S.; Faizal, A.; Fukuhara, T.; Suzuki, T.; Lenggoro, I.W. The Role of Silica
    Nanoparticles in Promoting the Germination of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Seeds. Nanomaterials 2023, 13, 2110. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13142110

  • Tabara, M., Yamanashi, R., Kuriyama, K., Koiwa, H., Fukuhara, T.. (2022) The dicing activity of DCL3 and DCL4 is negatively affected by flavonoids. Plant Molecular Biology, DOI10.1007/s11103-022-01314-4

  • Takahashi, H., Tabara, M., Miyashita, S., Ando, S., Kawano, S., Kanayama, Y., Fukuhara, T., Kormelink, R.. (2021). Cucumber Mosaic Virus Infection in Arabidopsis: A Conditional Mutualistic Symbiont? Frontiers in Microbiology, 12:770925. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.770925

  • Moriyama H, Wu C-F, Aoki N, Takeshita N, Fukuhara T, Chiura HX, Arie T, Kotta-Loizou I, Okada R, Komatsu K. Unique terminal regions and specific rearrangements of the segmented double-stranded RNA genome of Alternaria alternata virus 1, in the proposed family Alternaviridae. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 773026, 2021
  • Tabara, M., Nagashima, Y., He, K., Qian, X., Crosby, K.M., Jifon, J., Jayaprakasha, G., Patil, B., Koiwa, H., Takahashi, H., Fukuhara, T. Frequent asymptomatic infection with tobacco ringspot virus on melon fruit. Virus Reserach (Virus Res.). 293, 198266, FEB2021
  • Ryota Sasaki, Shuhei Miyashita, Sugihiro Ando, Kumiko Ito, Chika Tada, Toshiyuki Fukuhara, Richard Kormelink and Hideki Takahashi. Complete genomic sequence of a novel phytopathogenic Burkholderia phage isolated from fallen leaf compost. Archives of Virology (Arch. Virol.) 166.1.313-316, 2021
  • Tabara, M., Koiwa, H., Suzuki, N., Fukuhara, T. Biochemical characterization of the dicing activity of Dicer-like 2 in the model filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. Fungal Genetics and Biology), 146, 103488, JAN2021.
  • Bensoussan, N., Dixit, S., Tabara, M., Letwin, D., Milojevic, M., Antonacci, M., Jin, P., Arai, Y., Bruinsma, K., Suzuki, T., Fukuhara, T., Zhurov, V., Geibel, S., Nauen, R., Grbic, M., Grbic. V. Environmental RNA interference in two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, reveals dsRNA processing requirements for efficient RNAi response. Scientific Reports (Sci. Rep.). 10:19126. 2020
  • Kuriyama, K., Tabara, M., Moriyama, H., Kanazawa, A., Koiwa, H., Takahashi, H., Fukuhara, T. Disturbance of floral color pattern by activation of an endogenous pararetrovirus, petunia vein clearing virus, in aged petunia plants. Plant Journal (Plant J)
  • Takahashi, H., Fukuhara, T., Kitazawa, H., Kormelink, R. Virus latency and the impact on plants. Frontiers in Microbiology (Front. Microbiol.) 10:2764, 2019
  • Fukuhara, T., Tabara, M., Koiwa, H., Takahashi, H . Effect of asymptomatic infection with southern tomato virus on tomato plants. Archives of Virology (Arch. Virol.) doi:10.1007/s00705-019-04436-1
  • Valverde, R.A., Khalifa, M.E., Okada, R., Fukuhara, T., Sabanadzovic, S., ICTV report consortium. ICTV virus taxonomy profile: Endornaviridae. Journal of General Virology (J. Gen. Virol.) 100(8):1204-1205, 2019
