

2019.9.13 【2019.09.06 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Biotic roles in soil structural dynamics: exploring underground architecture”
2019.9.10 【2019.09.03 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Biological Control for Grapevine Crown Gall by Nonpathogenic Rhizobium (=Agrobacterium) vitis Strain ARK-1″ “Viruses as Tools for Basic and Applied Plant Research”
2019.8.20 【2019.08.13 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Dynamics of a reactive gaseous interface: Use of complex poles to describe the nonlinear evolution”
2019.8.9 【2019.08.01 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Damage-associated signals boost plant innate immunity”
2019.8.9 【2019.08.02 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Global Change and the Future of Plants with CO2 Concentrating Mechanisms”
2019.8.7 【2019.07.29 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Genomic insights into immunity from an aspiring model species”
2019.8.2 【2019.07.26 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Microscopy of wood decay”
2019.8.1 【2019.07.25 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Molecular classification of breast cancer for personalized cancer therapy”
2019.7.31 【2019.07.25 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Protein phosphatases and their target proteins that influence plant growth and drought response”
2019.7.25 【2019.07.17 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Understanding the impact of heat during grain filling on wheat dormancy”
