

2019.10.11 【2019.10.04 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Stability and resilience in river networks (河川生態系の安定性とレジリエンス)”
2019.10.4 【2019.09.27 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Workshop of Monash University and TUAT (Australia – Japan workshop)”
2019.10.4 【2019.9.27 GIR公開セミナー報告】”As Speciation in Guandu Soils with High As Contents yet Low As Availability”
2019.10.4 【2019.09.27 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Biological Blueprints Towards Next Generation Advanced Materials”
2019.10.1 【2019.09.24 GIR公開セミナー報告】”2019 年度 第 2 回微粒子ナノテクノロジー分科会 Introduction of “State Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences””
2019.9.26 【2019.09.19 GIR公開セミナー報告】”New strategies for lignin engineering in Arabidopsis and poplar” ”Redefining and Redesigning Lignins”
2019.9.25 【2019.09.18 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Marine Biotechnology: how to commercialise marine science discoveries”
2019.9.24 【2019.09.17 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Tara Oceans: Eco-Systems Biology at Planetary Scale”
2019.9.17 【2019.09.10 GIR公開セミナー報告】“Advanced constitutive modeling and application in steel sheet foaming” “Mixed experimental-numerical techniques for identifying large strain work hardening of steels” “Plasticity of commercially-pure titanium”
2019.9.16 【2019.09.09 GIR公開セミナー報告】”Advanced validation of metal forming simulation using digital image correlation”
