

【GIR公開セミナー】Dr. Hisashi Koiwa / テキサスA&M 大学(米国)

日時 2023.6.12(16:00~17:00)

東京農工大学 府中キャンパス 農学部 2号館1階 多目的講義室


ミーティングID:770 525 2987


Google Classroom コード fk2wqfy
講演者 Dr. Hisashi Koiwa
所属機関 テキサスA&M 大学 (米国)
講演タイトル "Heat stress triggers noncanonical turnover pathway for plasma membrane protein KOR1"

In plants, turnover of plasma membrane (PM) proteins is essential during acclimation to various biotic and abiotic stresses, yet little is known about the mechanisms that detect and replace damaged proteins at the PM. Arabidopsis thaliana KORRIGAN1 (KOR1) is a membrane-bound β1,4-glucanase essential for cellulose biosynthesis. Structurally compromised KOR1, most prominently under heat stress, are diverted from the PM-trans-Golgi network (TGN) cycle and delivered to the tonoplast (TP), which contrasts with the canonical PM protein degradation route via endosomes to vacuoles. Genetic, pharmacological, and imaging analyses revealed that TP targeting process of KOR1 depends on transport machineries in PM and TGN and goes through multivesicular endosome (MVE) and pre-vacuolar compartment (PVC), demonstrating that KOR1 takes the TGN-MVE/PVC-TP route for degradation. Unlike with the canonical vacuolar targeting/degradation substrates, KOR1 transport did not appear to involve ubiquitination, but phosphorylation at the cytoplasmic domain strongly influenced TP targeting. Thus, TP targeting of KOR1 represents a non-canonical pathway for PM protein degradation and highlights the importance of TGN function for sorting decisions on plant PM-protein turnover.
言語 英語
対象 どなたでも、ご参加いただけます。
共催 グローバルイノベーション研究院 食料分野 福原チーム
お問い合わせ窓口 グローバルイノベーション研究院・農学研究院 福原 敏行
e-mail: fuku(ここに@ を入れてください) cc.tuat.ac.jp

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