

オンラインセミナー【GIR公開セミナー】Dr. Xiangbing Zeng / シェフィールド大学(英国)

日時 2022.2.18(9:00~10:30)


講演者 Dr. Xiangbing Zeng
所属機関 シェフィールド大学 (英国)
講演タイトル ※本セミナーはZoomにてご参加いただけます。

ミーティングID: 835 2293 4740
パスコード: 040981
◆Dr. Xiangbing Zeng (英国、シェフィールド大学、Department of Materials Science and Engineering、上級講師) 

◆講演タイトル:Quasicontinuous melting of model polymer monolayers and direct 3D visualization of spherulites

The talk will cover two topics. The first is about discovery of the nearly continuous melting of monolayers of long chain alkane (from C60H122 to C390H782) monolayers on graphite, that the melting starts from the lamellar surfaces, progresses gradually over several tens of degrees of temperature range, with close to or more than half of the lamellae already melted just before the final melting (Nature Communications 2021, vol. 12, article No. 1710). The experimental discovery on the basis of AFM studies is backed by molecular dynamic simulations and a mean-field analytical theory, and reveals the intrinsic difference between the melting of polymers and that of small molecules, and the importance of the crystalline-amorphous interface in controlling the melting process of in 2D and 3D and in different polymers. The other is our recent attempts to directly visualize in 3D the spherulitic growth of semicrystalline polymers, as well as their nanocomposites, labelled with fluorescent dyes and observed using confocal microscopy (Nature Communications 2021, vol. 12, article No. 5054). The morphology of crystalline aggregates, and the redistribution of additives and nanoparticles during the crystallization process can be monitored in real time, in 3D and in unprecedented precision, and some unexpected morphologies and crystallization behaviours have been observed.
言語 英語
対象 どなたでも、ご参加いただけます。
共催 グローバルイノベーション研究院 エネルギー分野 富永チーム
お問い合わせ窓口 グローバルイノベーション研究院・工学研究院  一川 尚広
e-mail: t-ichi(ここに@ を入れてください) cc.tuat.ac.jp
