日時 | 2022.2.16(10:00~11:00) |
会場 | |
Google Classroom コード | bqvxypj |
講演者 | Dr. Hisashi Koiwa |
所属機関 | テキサスA&M 大学 (米国) |
講演タイトル | ※現在、Google Classroomにて配信中です。 1. https://classroom.google.com にアクセス 2. 右上の「+」をクリックし「クラスに参加」を選ぶ。 3. クラスコード: bqvxypj ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ※本セミナーはZoomにてご参加いただけます。 ( 後日、Google Classroomでも公開いたします。) https://tuat-jp.zoom.us/j/81526572481?pwd=MGZrMXNjcWhoS0V5UHR6OUlzSnhUdz09 ミーティングID: 815 2657 2481 パスコード: 473222 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◆Dr. Hisashi Koiwa (米国、テキサスA&M 大学、Department of Horticultural Sciences、教授) ◆講演タイトル:ER and post-Golgi protein quality control of KORRIGAN1 in Arabidopsis thaliana 〈要旨〉 Upon synthesis, proteins undergo a series of quality control system to produce, mature functional molecules. In endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of eukaryotes, N-glycosylation of the nascent peptides is a protein modification important to assist ER protein quality control consists of chaperon-assisted protein folding as well as ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). On the other hand, little is known about their roles that operate downstream of ER. We previously showed that the plant N-glycans are essential for establishing osmotic stress tolerance in root growth, and KORRIGAN1 (KOR1), a component of cellulose biosynthesis machinery is one of the major targets. Quality control of KOR1 occurs not only at the ER but also after KOR1 exits ER and reaches plasmamembrane, where compromised proteins are removed and transported to the tonoplasts. We use inhibitor-based genetic screening and fluorescent imaging approach to understand and visualize dynamics of KOR1 in the cell and how it responds to environmental stress. |
言語 | 英語 |
対象 | どなたでも、ご参加いただけます。 |
共催 | グローバルイノベーション研究院 食料分野 福原チーム 卓越大学院プログラム |
お問い合わせ窓口 | グローバルイノベーション研究院・農学研究院 福原 敏行 e-mail: fuku(ここに@ を入れてください) cc.tuat.ac.jp |