日時 | 2021.2.19(10:30~12:00) |
会場 | |
講演者 | Dr. Andrea C. Gore |
所属機関 | テキサス大学 (米国) |
講演タイトル | ※現在、Google Classroomにて配信中です。 1. https://classroom.google.com にアクセス 2. 右上の「+」をクリックし「クラスに参加」を選ぶ。 3. クラスコード: gt233hu を入力 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ※本セミナーはZoomにてご参加いただけます。 ( 後日、Google Classroomでも公開いたします。) Zoomミーティング https://tuat-jp.zoom.us/j/88481389515?pwd=aHJHejllVGxmV2VUQ1hjY1pobGRzQT09 ミーティングID: 884 8138 9515 パスコード: 662157 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◆Prof. Andrea C. Gore (米国、テキサス大学、Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology、教授) ◆講演タイトル:"Endocrine disruption of brain and behavior." 〈要旨〉 Environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) interfere with hormones and their actions. Exposures to EDCs during critical periods of life, especially in the developing fetus and infant, are particularly problematic due to the high sensitivity of the developing brain to hormones, and the greater potential to be affected by EDCs. Our lab has been using a rat model of prenatal exposure to two classes of EDCs: a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mixture used previously in industry, the fungicide vinclozolin, in current agricultural use. These chemicals are administered to pregnant rats to ascertain effects on the developing offspring. These female and male rats, the F1 generation, are phenotyped for effects on development, hormones and behavior in adulthood, molecular and cellular changes to the brain, and functional behavioral outcomes. The current talk will focus mainly on recent work showing that EDC exposures affect mate preference of F1 female and male rats in adulthood, and the potential neural pathways and mechanisms. As a whole, our work indicates that gestational exposure to PCBs has lifelong effects on the developing brain, neuroendocrine systems, and reproductive and social behaviors in exposed individuals. These data are highly relevant to humans and wildlife, as all individuals are exposed to environmental chemicals due to their persistence and ubiquity. |
言語 | 英語 |
対象 | どなたでも、ご参加いただけます。 |
共催 | グローバルイノベーション研究院 食料分野 渡辺チーム 卓越大学院プログラム |
お問い合わせ窓口 | グローバルイノベーション研究院・農学研究院 渡辺 元 e-mail: gen (ここに@ を入れてください)cc.tuat.ac.jp |